The motive

Two months after my probation at DCC—a tech startup company that I just recently joined—my coworker (Aki) decided to plan a simple outdoor trip. And so, off we go to Curug Leuwi Hejo, Bogor, to play with the water!

Portrait View
Portrait View
Portrait View
Landscape View

Playing with water literally means “maen aer” in Indonesian slang language.

“Eh sini deh. Ada yang topless…”
— Charisma Pribadi, 2016

The fellows

There are 11 DCC folks on this trip. Let me introduce you to some of them. The one with red shirt is Arip. He's in charge with any 2D animations for CIAYO's characters. The blue shirt, is Daniel. He's the HTML & CSS conqueror. And on far right, is ... eh I think I can't see him.

Kidding! This tiramisu fellow (or shall I say mocha?) is one of my best friend in DCC, just because we share the same route home. We also share similar music taste. But he's kind of tacky, and—don't get me wrong—I'm not :/.


And this is Aki. She's freaking in love with water. In fact that I'm writing this on Dec 30th, weeks after Disney's most beautiful movie Moana—as the Internet says—was released, makes me even more sure. She could dance to the soundtrack for hours. Okay. I might be exaggerating.

The one with blue shirt and cap on the picture above, is Charisma. His favourites are topless boys.

To be honest, I'm not really fond of oceans or any watery vacation in particular. I'd prefer a city scene where I could photograph various buildings from small to big, or food stalls! But hey, a getaway after tedious hours of working in front of the computer? As an ISFP—the most spontaneous creature on earth—I'm in.

Me, sitting on top of a rock with a couple of bags lying around. Too afraid of water.

End note

I apologize for not sharing more details about this trip such as the location, entrance fee, or photo spots for this is a late post. So I have nothing more than these photos and some lame jokes to share. But I promise I'll be more mindful, and I'll take notes too! So, since I don't have anything more to say, please enjoy some narcissistic pictures of us below.